Monday, December 21, 2009


The nephews and niece are getting character pillowcases this year. They are always so expensive and the two youngest boys have been fighting over the one Thomas pillowcase they have so new cases were in order.

Obviously for my niece. Ariel is her favorite and she has some Ariel sheets already, though this won't match them exactly. The colors will also go nicely with her princess sheets and her HSM sheets (she's in love with Troy).

J and H share a room and there are very few character fabrics that they would both enjoy so I didn't even try to coordinate or match. Plus, this Transformers fabric was awesome and perfect for an almost 7-year-old.

The two oldest share a room and The Simpsons seemed like the safest bet. I'm sure N will say thank you then pretend it's a lame gift and then secretly enjoy using this pillow case for years to come. K may do the same thing, who knows with preteens, really?

Thomas. There's a lot of Thomas in this house. My favorite part about this fabric is that it's got that denim print as a background. That helps it blend in more with the boys' room, which is brick red and beige.

All of them folded up on the table. I was pretty happy with how they all turned out, though I had a harder time with the Thomas fabric and getting those cases to come out straight and even. As long as the pillow fits, right?

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