Monday, February 9, 2009


The CPSIA has been put on hold for a year - so I'm still selling children's stuff. The problem is, with all the CPSIA and losing my job and such, I've lost momentum and inspiration. I need to start being productive on something, but crafting with a lack of job makes me feel more like a slacker. I guess if, in the end, it brings in money for me then it's not a waste...but inspiration.

I've been listening to tons of music and trying to find a new book to read and I've faithfully been following my blogs (although not so faithfully giving my followers content). I have ideas for some simple journals - I just need to make them now. I have one other product all together that just needs sewing and posting to Etsy. And I have an idea of something I need and would like to use, I just need to figure out the logistics and how to build it. That sounds mysterious and vague, but I'm going to keep it that way until the finished product.

In the mean time, I need inspiration. I'm thinking bright colors (to remind us of spring and summer and to help us forget about this dreary, jobless winter) and in connection with my recent Beatles addiction, I'm thinking 50s and 60s, classic and mod. Plaids and argyles, too! But how do I work that into a tutu? Do I need to find something else that can be easily made AND that will get all these abstract ideas out of my head so I can move onto something else?

I'm also thinking about looking into a craft fair for the fall. I would have plenty of time to sew/build/make whatever products I intend to sell.

But there's an update for now. I don't have much more than that.

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