Saturday, December 5, 2009

Upcoming Projects

'Tis the season to make stuff.

I love Christmas. Mostly because I get to make a lot of gifts for friends and family. This year I am making more painted wooden people, bags, stuffed dinosaurs, hair clips, headbands, scarves (not winter, fashion), and photo calendars. I can't really take too much credit for photo calendars since those are all done online, but it takes hours (hours!) to finish, due in part to my OCD tendencies. I'm also making more than one this year since there seems to be a need for calendars in my family moreso than in the past.

I am also still crocheting blankets pretty regularly. They are a thoughtful and kind of quick (a week of nightly shows or two marathon days, depending on the size of the blanket) gift for weddings and babies and such. And since there are many weddings and new babies in my life, I get to make a lot of blankets!

One happy thing to note. I crocheted a blanket and made some other little things to donate to our local hospice to be sold at their annual Festival of Trees. Crocheted blankets and the like rarely are sold and never go for what they are truly worth. If you are ever shopping for a homemade crochet or knit blanket, remember that yarn is expensive and those blankets take a whole lot of time to finish. But my blanket (a bright varigated pink and white throw blanket) sold for $15! The yarn was stuff I already had on hand so I didn't really spend much on it and it took about 8 to 10 hours to finish. That's a great price and I was so happy it sold so well and that all of that $15 went straight to Calvert Hospice.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

PLEASE send pictures of all of this cool stuff. i'm dying to see your creations!!!!